Kids Yoga Teacher Training
Ages 2 - 10

This rigorous and joyful training will provide you with valuable skills and resources to bring yoga and mindfulness to children in a variety of settings.
The program structure provides space and opportunity for participants to build their knowledge and expertise about children's yoga and mindfulness.
People who may want training:
School Teachers, Parents, Yoga Teachers, Administrators, Social Workers
*All level of yoga experience welcome
Contact Susan Fried
budding-buddhas.com | buddingbuddhas@gmail.com

Benefits & Features
Through this training, participants will learn:
Tools and techniques to teach yoga and mindfulness in classrooms, private settings or at home
Breathing techniques to use for calming, regulation and focus
Age-appropriate yoga poses, partner poses and group games
Create lesson plans and learn to structure a kids yoga class
How to use props and music to engage and illustrate yoga and mindfulness concepts
Behavior Management techniques for home and in the classroom
The importance of sequencing and how to do it properly
Practice teaching and get feedback
Key features and Resources
Interactive training: practice teaching and get feedback
Integration of relaxation techniques
Lesson Plans
Budding Buddhas Kids Yoga Teacher Training Manual
Budding Buddhas Kids Yoga Teacher Training Certificate for Ages 2 - 12