Yoga for Tweens & Teens
“The point we emphasize is strong confidence in our original nature”
-Shunryu Suzuki
Budding Buddhas offers tween and teen boys and girls an opportunity to strengthen body, mind and spirit into a unified whole.
The turbulent tweens and teens are a perfect time for the refinement and overall sense of self that yoga provides, and our programs are designed to help students maximize these benefits. By harnessing youthful energy and encouraging each student’s uniqueness, Budding Buddhas instructors promote individuality and socialization.
Through discussion and yoga practice, groups explore themes such as compassion, self-respect and healthy living.
We will integrate mindfulness techniques, stretching and challenging poses while teaching them how to take their yoga practice off the mat and into their every day lives.
Taught by Certified Kids Yoga Instructors from "Budding Buddhas" Children's Yoga.
Our Yoga and Mindfulness Programs are offered at locations throughout Westchester and the surrounding areas. Please also view our schedule for details on class times and locations.